
Adding Resources

When a Resource is added to your Assignment, this will appear in the Resource Store of all Members (students) enrolled on your Workspace. They will find this in the Resource Store.

To add a resource to an assignment in ATLAS:

* Click on ‘Resources’ in the top menu.

* Click on the ‘Add Resource’ icon on the main panel (labelled ‘General Resources’).

* This will show all Resources in your ATLAS account. Click on ‘Select Item’ next to the Resource you want to add.

This will bring up a series of options:

* Select how you would like to refer to this in the resource panel (i.e. by the name it already has in your Resource Store or a new name).

* Select if you would like to prompt the user to auto-submit the form when saved. If no, the learner will need to manually submit their work to the correct assignment. If you select yes, you are asked which assignment this will be auto-submitted to in a drop-down menu.

* You will be warned that Resources added to this Workspace will be copied when the Workspace is duplicated. Select you have read the information and wish to continue.

* Click ‘Continue’.

Resources can be sorted via ‘Panels’. These are groupings of Resources that can categorise resources that have common date settings e.g. some resources released immediately then more resources released at a chosen later date.

To create a new Panel:

* Click on ‘Create a panel’.

* Give this Panel a title and a description.

* Select the visibility options – Visible, Hidden or available in a Date Range.

To edit an existing Panel, select the red cog icon above the Panel. To delete a Panel, click the bin icon.
