
There are four areas to the new off-campus digital learning baselines. Please familiarise yourself with them before you progress any further. Select each one for more information.

Designed approach

As your module/s is/are adapted and redesigned for synchronous and asynchronous digital learning modes, you will need to scaffold the student learning experience differently. Design individual sessions through the production of a longer-term plan that accounts for each week/session of the module and shares instructions before delivery, allowing students to navigate and manage expectations:

1. Develop a high-level module plan (setting clear expectations for the module, e.g. scheduled synchronous hours, expectations of engagement, assessment).

2. Prepare a module induction that sets clear expectations for students, e.g. scaffold students’ expectations of what to expect when shifting from synchronous to asynchronous, and for tutorial-based sessions (complementing central induction activity).

3. Present learning content in structured, manageable segments with an expected learning duration.

4. Include a blend of synchronous/asynchronous approaches to the learning experience (recording synchronous activity is especially important for students who require additional support or need to engage outside of the scheduled time due to illness or personal circumstances).

    • Synchronous = Schedule and record live sessions (recorded where appropriate)
    • Asynchronous = Resources prepared in advance for student self-study and collaboration, such as providing a ten-minute, pre-recorded video to explain a key concept, or directing students to use tools such as forums, journals and MS Teams (for synthesis of learning)


Encourage an active student voice/partnership model via online facilitation, feedback, and a personalised experience (complementing/signposting other support, e.g. PAT, Library, Careers and Student Representation):

5. Ensure the online socialisation of students and encourage a sense of belonging in the virtual space (activate online socialisation by creating activities that develop the student cohort, engage in community space activity and make the prepared activities explicit and engaging. Feedback to all students may be offered through forums, announcements and live revision sessions).

Active Learning

Use a combination of intentionally planned activities and interactions with students and between students:

6. Facilitate the learning through group work and collaboration activities.

7. Active use of a range of multimedia resources, e.g. reading lists, video, image, audio.

Digital accessibility

8. Apply a consistent approach to reviewing and improving accessibility of course materials by using tools such as Blackboard Ally.
