
To Issue a Badge you first need to be invited to creat an Openbadge factory issuing account (This will happen automaticaly if you are named as an issuer in the form requesting a new badge), you then need to accept the account and let know you have accepted the account, they will then attach you to the relavant badge as an issuer.

Once you have you issuers account and you have been attached to a badge you can issue a badge.

To issue a badge:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the Issue Tool button
  3. Select the Badge you want to issue
  4. Click the next button untill you get to the Select Recipients page
  5. Enter the email address of the badge recipants, one email address per line
  6. Click the next button untill you get to the Confirm and Issue page
  7. Click the Issue Badge button at the bottom of the page. The recipants will receve an email letting them know they have recived a badge. there will be a link in the email they beed to click on to accept the badge.
