
Although Course Resources has been designed to be accessible, to be truly inclusive with its use we need to ensure we follow a few simple, yet important guidelines. The guidance about using text, images, audio and video should be followed as well as:

  • Organise content using folders which have a logical order according to the content delivered in the module.
  • Use short, consistent and meaningful titles for folders and content.
  • Give meaningful titles to the resources you upload with descriptions on how students should use them.
  • Ensure students have a method to easily contact you if they need to request a resource in an alternative format.
  • Make any notes for lectures or seminars available at least 48 hours in advance and if this is not possible ensure this is communicated to students
  • Check the colour scheme you have used in your module to ensure there is sufficient colour contrast between the background colour and any text.
  • Follow guidance on creating accessible Word, PowerPoint and PDF
  • Provide an opportunity for students to ask questions or clarify anything they are unsure of perhaps via a discussion forum or online noticeboard like Padlet.
  • Provide a glossary of any new terms before sessions to ensure students are able to become familiar with these before they hear them in a session. These can be released gradually throughout the module delivery.

Although Course Resources should work with the assistive technology students may use to access it, sometimes this can fail. This could be for technical reasons or because the student has not yet become familiar with this technology. In this instance you should be prepared to, where possible, provide the online resources via another method such as email.


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