
ATLAS can be used to mark and grade your students’ work.

Accessing ATLAS and viewing Submissions

    1. Log in to ATLAS (See How to Access ATLAS)
    2. Click on ‘Submissions’ on the top menu.
    3. Here you will see a list of all student work that has been submitted. Clicking on the name of the submission will allow you to view and mark work.
    4. You can find individual students submissions by searching for their name in the search box:

searching for their name in the search box

Giving Feedback and Comments

    1. Once the students work has been opened you can then give feedback and a grade:
    2. On the right hand side you will see a blue toolbox with icons.  Make sure you select the ‘feedback icon’ and not the ‘comments icon’ as students can delete the comments but not the ‘feedback icon’
    3. You will then see two options.  You can leave feedback for the page that you are viewing or overall feedback for complete piece of work.
      leave feedback
    4. When you click on either of these options you will see the following:
      Add feedback
    5. Click on ‘Add feedback’ to add your feedback
    6. You will then see a feedback box:feedback box

Adding a Grade

    1. Once the students work has been opened you can then give feedback and a grade:
    2. On the right hand side you will see a blue toolbox with icons.  Make sure you select the ‘feedback icon’ and not the ‘comments icon’ as students can delete the comments but not the ‘feedback icon’
    3. You will then see two options.  Select ‘leave feedback for main asset’.
      leave feedback for main asset'.
    4. You will see the following:
      Add grade
    5. Click on ‘Add grade’ to add your grade
    6. You will then see a grade box: grade box

    Releasing Feedback and Grades to Students

    1. Once all student’s work has been marked, you can release feedback and grades to students all in one go by following these steps: release feedback and grades
    2. From submissions list, tick on the top of the list to select all students
    3. Above this click on the icon ‘Manage feedback’Manage feedback
    4. You’ll then see the option ‘release feedback to authors’ make sure this is selected and click on ‘continue’release feedback to authors