

PebblePad is a flexible personal learning space that is available to both students and staff at the University. At the core of PebblePad are concepts of reflection, and self-ownership of learners’ material.

It is a flexible tool, with functions that include:

  1. Logging events, achievements and reflections.
  2. Creating Workbooks and forms to be completed by yourself or others.
  3. Creating dynamic CVs and blogs.
  4. Creating webfolios and websites

These functions can be used by individuals, shared with others, published to the web, or used as the basis of formal assessment.

There are two parts to PebblePad. Pebble+ is the area where forms (known as Resources) can be created, and worked into files (known as Assets) which can be used in a variety of ways. ATLAS (Active Teaching, Learning & Assessment Space) is the institutional area where tutors can set tasks, share Resources with learners, and grade and assess work.
All users have access to the entire suite of tools, although only trained members of staff can create Workspaces where assessment takes place.

PebblePad users can migrate their account to a free Alumni Account on graduation or leaving the University, which means they can keep what they work on forever.

Case Studies & Examples of Use

Development of an ePortfolio for Pre-registration student nurses
